

真柏是典型耐旱的植物,對水分要求不高,澆水頻率不用太高,反而澆太多或積水會導致真柏死亡。 大原則是:土壤表面摸起來非常乾燥就澆水,澆水時有幾點注意:

  1. 『澆到透』:澆到盆底出水,讓水分平均滲透土壤,盆底水不要淹過頭
  2. 『不積水』:澆水時觀察水渗透進土壤的速度,如果渗透很慢或積水太久,表示土壤裡面較濕及排水性不佳,可以減缓澆水速度或者在適當的季節更換土壤。 如果渗透速度很快,表示土壤裡面排水性良好,同時確認盆底是否出水,原則上土壤表面內部不積水,否則容易造成爛根的現象。
  3. 『噴葉子』:真柏葉子喜歡濕潤霧氣,可以每天對葉子噴水霧一次,清洗之餘使葉色蒼翠健壯。
  4. 『平均澆水頻率參考』:夏天1~2天澆一次,春秋冬3~4天澆一次。


若擺放室內無陽光處: 建議搭配植物燈(建議全日照光譜24w起) 每週日曬2-3次(每次)6小時以上,如葉面較為暗淡,可多補充每週日曬時間, 土壤完整澆水每週3-4次,日常葉面噴水可每日,切勿長時間保持太濕。 環境通風且勿躁熱/悶熱/炙熱/陰暗/髒亂


害蟲: 我們無法確保從園區寄出後這一段路程與新環境的綜合因素, 在售出前,AIP園區師傅會盡到銷售品管義務,認真嚴謹的檢查每盆出貨的盆栽, 確保無問題後才會轉交給黑貓宅配進行配送。

澆水: 澆水時難免會有土然流失的問題,澆水力道請溫柔,澆水時可將植物完全弄濕。 如有澆水問題可詳閱『真柏換盆流程解析』後半段養護及澆水示範。

室外: 若擺放室外,在炎熱夏日時,須放置蔭涼透風處,不可烈日曝曬, 戶外環境通風且勿躁熱/悶熱/炙熱/陰暗/髒亂。

環境周圍: 盡可能保留觀賞距離,高單價植物,需在環境妥善安排, 如家中有孩童或寵物,盡可能至於安全區塊放置/養護/觀賞。




真柏盆景的施肥需求不多,非常容易餵食,記得使用有機肥料,枝幹葉色才會長得漂亮(AIP專屬有機肥料:商品連結): 施肥的量多少:使用AIP肥料營養餐盤,把肥料加滿即可

  1. 每年春季生長期,施肥一次
  2. 每年9~10月份時,再施肥一次
  3. 其他時間無需施肥,尤其冬季切記不要施肥



  1. 《赤玉土》是一種經過多年沉積、氧化、風化、脫鐵等過程形成的土壤,通常在河流或湖泊的底部, 由泥沙、粘土、有機物和礦物質等組成。在形成赤玉土的過程中,礦物質和有機物質被不斷轉化和分解, 形成一種富含微生物和礦物質的肥沃土壤。
  2. 赤玉土的製造過程主要是自然形成的,需要足夠的時間和條件才能形成。一般來說,赤玉土的形成需要經歷幾百到幾千年的沉積和演化過程。
  3. 當沉積物被埋藏在地下後,長時間受到水和氣候的作用,會發生一系列化學和生物學的變化,從而形成赤玉土。 在人工製造赤玉土時,也需要模擬這個過程,並使用特定的技術和方法進行處理,以達到赤玉土的質量和特性要求。
  4. 赤玉土有著優秀的透氣性和保水性,成為盆栽植物培育的重要介質之一。 且有等級之分,高階的赤玉土不僅質地細膩、顆粒性排水良好,而且營養豐富、不易縮水,為盆栽植物提供優質的生長環境,也將應用於未來AIP高級盆景系列中。
  5. 赤玉土可以有效防止根部病害的發生,同時也能夠增加植株的抗逆能力和生長速度。 選擇適合的赤玉土壤,是維持盆栽植物健康生長的重要一環。


挑選盆器 Selecting a planter

挑選適合植物,符合自我風格的盆器, 盆器猶如植物的衣服,猶如一幅畫的畫框,是景致的重要基底,比例/色系/材質/切角/細節,都極為重要。

Choosing the right planter that matches your personal style is just as important as selecting the right plant. The planter is like clothing for the plant or a frame for a painting it's an essential foundation for creating an appealing landscape. Proportions, color schemes, materials, angles, and details are all crucial elements to consider when selecting a planter.

檢查盆器 check the container


Inspect pot carefully for cracks or fine lines and check if drainage holes are clear. Replace the pot if there are any doubts to ensure safety and easy maintenance in the future.

解開固定線 Untie fixed line


Unfix the plant from the pot when there are no issues with the pot. Loosen the binding wire and press around the pot to loosen the soil. If it is stuck or unstable, cultivate the soil around the pot and loosen the soil by poking it, then take out the plant with soil.

鬆脫盆體 Loosening the Pot


After removing the plant from the pot, remove any large clumps of soil and inspect the soil and roots for any issues such as pests or root rot. Take immediate action if any problems are detected.

清根排土 Clear roots and remove soil


Clean and arrange the plant roots by using chopsticks to remove soil from the roots' ends while retaining the upper soil layer around the roots. In stages, repot the plant by removing the old soil and trimming the roots until the middle roots can easily loosen from the soil.

精修根系 Root pruning

入盆前,仔細檢查根系,檢查是否有害蟲,爛根,異物...等,不尋常狀況,都要排除, 把無法入盆的根系,視情況做修剪,確保植物在乾淨的狀態下進入新環境。

Inspect roots for issues before planting. Remove unusable roots and prune as needed for a clean transplant.

入盆對位 potting position

將植物擺放在觀看最適合角度,這步驟可慢一點,先大概擺放,左右觀看一下,擺放暫定位置之後,可起身,遠離植物與盆器3-5步距離,確定植物在適合的位置, 如不確定,可多擺放幾個角度,正反,前後,看一下,都有許多不同的視覺感受

Adjust the plant's position until it looks right in the most suitable viewing angle. Step back and view from 3-5 steps away to ensure it's in the best spot. Try different angles if unsure.

角度定位 Root Placement


Place the plant in the correct position and ensure the roots are centered towards the pot's center. Confirm the final position before planting.

網片鋪底 mesh pad


We use patch-type mesh pads that are cut to fit the size of the hole. There are different materials and types of mesh pads available.

底孔穿線 Bottom hole threading


Bend the aluminum wire into a U-shape and insert it through the appropriate hole. Find the best position for wire fixation.

固定植物 Plant fixation


Place the plant in the correct position and lightly secure it with wire. Use tools to bind the wire tightly around the roots without damaging the plant.

填土戳實 Fill solid


When planting, use larger particles of akadama soil at the bottom and smaller particles at the top. Layer the soil into two sections and poke and shake the container with a chopstick to make sure the soil fills every corner of the root system.

表層澆水 surface watering


After layering the soil, water the surface thoroughly to fill any gaps. Add more soil to areas that need it. This method is called surface watering.

鋪設水草 planting aquatic plants


To plant wet aquatic plants, press them onto the soil and fill any gaps with your fingers to maintain soil moisture for the roots.

淋式澆水drenching watering

用『淋雨』的方式,由上往下,如淋雨般,灑在植物上,將植物與盆器完全澆濕澆透, 水不可以太強,剛入盆的植物,根系與土壤都尚未穩定,太強的水柱或太直接的澆水方式,都可能會傷害到植物根系與本體。

Watering plants with a "shower-like" method is called "shower watering" or "spray watering". It fully saturates the plants and soil, but avoid using strong water flow for newly potted plants as it can damage their roots and structure.

浸泡式澆水 Immersion watering


container of water at the same level as the pot. Remove and let it drain when the soil is saturated.

排水瀝水 drainage and drainage


To ensure proper watering of a plant, check its saturation level and drainage holes by lifting it up, then let it drain in a well-ventilated area. Be careful when moving the plant to avoid disturbing its stability. Newly potted plants should be left to drain for at least 30 minutes to allow excess water to drain and soil to settle.

盆器清洗 pot cleaning


To clean AIP plant pots, use plain water or a soft brush for regular maintenance. For a deeper clean, use non-toxic and eco-friendly cleaning products, and avoid using harsh chemicals or sharp materials to prevent damage to the pot.

換盆完成 Finish


Daily watering and maintenance only require the use of clean water. Plants need to have regular exposure to sunlight and good ventilation. They should not be kept indoors for more than three days a week. Plants need to follow the Earth's natural rhythms; they need sunlight, water, and your love and care to thrive and carry on their emotional and spiritual legacy.










從種苗培育到樹材茁壯,再雕塑『 2-3年』後期修琢工藝設計再經歷一年,直到型美枝壯
繁複的工法都是為了定義出,傑出不凡的風格『 美、飄、孤、茂 』
齊二以上標準才得以成為精美雅緻的『 盆景 』

From seedlings to trees, to shape the sculpture "At least two years"
And one more year for The pruning design, until perfect and delicate
All for the masterpiece of AIP, to define the exclusive style
"beauty, elegant, self-respect, and flourish"
Only when containing two of style above, the AIP “bonsai" turned out


近年來許多園藝行業嚴重斷層,產量逐年下降加上氣候等自然因素,平均每年銳減 10-12%
使得成品盆景,以百分之20-30% 的年增長值不斷的向上突破高點,與藏酒一樣,越放越香

From seedlings to trees, to shape the sculpture "At least two years"
And one more year for The pruning design, until perfect and delicate
All for the masterpiece of AIP, to define the exclusive style
"beauty, elegant, self-respect, and flourish"
Only when containing two of style above, the AIP “bonsai" turned out