香水吊牌 台灣特有的山麻雀屬於瀕臨絕種保育類野生動物,透過麻雀議題,結合品牌傳播,由SHARE.CO創始設計團隊操刀設計,由香片設計呼籲保育與環境,環環相扣的重要性,猶如一隻小老鷹在各處翱翔,也在各處打鬧嬉笑,返璞歸真,想想那麻雀滿庭院的美好時光 長13cm寬11.5cm,高10cm The Taiwan endemic tree sparrow belongs to the endangered species of wild animals. Through the issue of sparrows and the integration of brand communication, the design team of SHARE.CO was responsible for designing. Designed by Fragrant Pieces, the aim is to call for conservation and the environment, highlighting the importance of interdependence. It is like a little eagle soaring and playing around, returning to nature. Let's think about the beautiful time when the sparrows filled the courtyard. L13cm,W11.5cm,H10cm
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