AIP紅包袋 2023農曆年特殊商品,兔年包袋,選用較厚的紙張製作而成,無香味紅包,可當卡片外包裝使用,可裝台幣貳千元,濃濃的台灣古早味柑仔店風味,像極了古早味抽抽樂,精緻的壓印燙金做工,人工壓印而成,每包5入,每只製版壓線,手工黏合而製成 長16.5cm寬9cm Special product for the 2023 Lunar New Year: rabbit-themed paper bags made with thick paper, no scent red envelopes that can be used as card packaging, and can hold up to NTD 2,000. The bags have a strong Taiwanese nostalgic flavor, resembling the taste of traditional candy, and are delicately pressed with gold foil. Each bag contains 10 pieces, and each one is made by hand, with individually designed printing and hand-gluing. H16.5cm,W9cm
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