獨特半圓形設計,多色塊俐落組合龍型設計, 由AIP設計開發製作厚針織手工地毯 (創作者手工製作產品,少量發售) 符合現代居家大門/出入口/房門/浴室...等居家空間 每片地毯都手工製作,經過大約50個小時至55個小時的努力,大量的繁瑣步驟才能產出一片扎實的地毯,使用高級密實毛線手工製做而成,獨特的AIP盆景造型,搭配經過反覆研究的毛線高度,最後製造出了立體澎度,腳踏回彈,常壓不易變形,都很優秀的一塊地毯,用藝術的思考角度造物,是設計團隊想呈現的限量商品,在細節處更是有AIP獨特的U型長織標,可提式設計,在未來清洗時,更好掛曬,或在不使用時,可掛放。 Each carpet is handcrafted, taking approximately 50 to 55 hours of effort and a large number of tedious steps to produce a solid piece of carpet. It is made using high-quality dense yarns, with a unique AIP landscape design and carefully researched yarn height to create a three-dimensional, resilient, and non-deformable carpet with excellent foot rebound. The design team aimed to create a limited edition product with an artistic perspective, paying particular attention to details such as the AIP unique U-shaped weaving label, which can be used as a handle for easier lifting and better hanging and airing during future cleaning or storage when not in use.
【AIP 手作傢俱系列】
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