- 商品編號: T2305342-4.5KG
自用送禮的好選擇,多種款式供選擇, |
赤玉極小粒*1包(1.5kg) |
每份赤玉土,皆為日本原裝進口赤玉土,經分裝過程,採人工篩選,再次過濾塞選,將其餘不符大小或雜質,在二次篩選時一同去除不必要的介質,確保土壤乾淨純粹,每份土壤也經產地師傅雙手實際確認品質是否達標,濕度與密封狀態是否合格,排除不必要對細粉狀赤玉土是必要的,可確保根系土壤水路暢通,減少介質,純粹乾淨。最後第三道包裝,人員會確保每份赤玉土,延邊包裝完整,確實產品密封,請安心選購,優質過篩赤玉土。 松柏土壤必須是透氣,透水力強,這樣的盆土環境下會更好的呼吸生長,空間更足,可讓根系蔓延,從而枝幹也會粗壯健康。 嚴選真柏專用赤玉土:《赤玉土》 《赤玉土》是一種經過多年沉積、氧化、風化、脫鐵等過程形成的土壤,通常在河流或湖泊的底部, 由泥沙、粘土、有機物和礦物質等組成。在形成赤玉土的過程中,礦物質和有機物質被不斷轉化和分解, 形成一種富含微生物和礦物質的肥沃土壤。 赤玉土的製造過程主要是自然形成的,需要足夠的時間和條件才能形成。一般來說,赤玉土的形成需要經歷幾百到幾千年的沉積和演化過程。 當沉積物被埋藏在地下後,長時間受到水和氣候的作用,會發生一系列化學和生物學的變化,從而形成赤玉土。 在人工製造赤玉土時,也需要模擬這個過程,並使用特定的技術和方法進行處理,以達到赤玉土的質量和特性要求。 赤玉土有著優秀的透氣性和保水性,成為盆栽植物培育的重要介質之一。 且有等級之分,高階的赤玉土不僅質地細膩、顆粒性排水良好,而且營養豐富、不易縮水,為盆栽植物提供優質的生長環境,也將應用於未來AIP高級盆景系列中。 赤玉土可以有效防止根部病害的發生,同時也能夠增加植株的抗逆能力和生長速度。 選擇適合的赤玉土壤,是維持盆栽植物健康生長的重要一環。 In order to cultivate healthy plants in bonsai pots, the soil must be breathable and have strong water permeability, allowing for proper respiration and root growth. This creates ample space for the roots to spread, leading to strong and healthy branches. One soil that is commonly used for bonsai cultivation is "Akadama," a type of soil that is formed through years of sedimentation, oxidation, weathering, and iron removal. It is usually found at the bottom of rivers or lakes and is composed of sediment, clay, organic matter, and minerals. During the formation of Akadama, minerals and organic matter undergo continuous transformation and decomposition, leading to the creation of a fertile soil rich in microorganisms and minerals. This process of natural formation requires hundreds to thousands of years. When creating Akadama artificially, specific techniques and methods are employed to mimic the natural process and achieve the desired quality and characteristics of the soil. Akadama has excellent breathability and water retention, making it an important medium for cultivating bonsai plants. The quality of Akadama can vary, with higher quality soil having fine grains and good drainage, as well as rich nutrients and low shrinkage. This provides bonsai plants with a high-quality growing environment and is also used in advanced bonsai landscaping. Choosing the appropriate Akadama soil is essential in maintaining healthy growth for bonsai plants. It can effectively prevent root diseases and increase the plant's ability to resist adversity and grow quickly.
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