AIP經典LOGO 短 Tee M-衣長74cm,胸圍116cm,肩寬54cm,袖長20.5cm L-衣長76.5cm,胸圍121cm,肩寬56cm,袖長21.5cm XL-衣長79cm,胸圍126cm,肩寬58cm,袖長22.5cm XXL-衣長81.5cm,胸圍131cm,肩寬60cm,袖長23.5cm 男模特176/68 L 女模特170/52 M 高磅水洗面料製成,小圓領設計,不易鬆脫變形,寬版oversized 版型剪裁,側邊桶身附有品牌織標,每件經人工手洗測試,不易縮水,不易褪色,下擺荷葉邊水洗面料是一種經過特殊製程處理過的面料,通常具有柔軟、舒適、有質感等特點。 其製程主要包括以下步驟: 1.面料選擇:選擇符合要求的面料,通常是棉質或麻質面料,也可以是一些合成纖維面料。 2.預處理:將面料進行洗滌、漂白等預處理,以去除面料本身的污垢、殘留的化學物質,以及縮短後續製程中的縮水率。 3.裁切:將預處理後的面料進行裁切,根據產品需要的尺寸和形狀進行裁剪。 4.水洗:將裁剪好的面料進行水洗處理,通常是多次水洗,並加入一些特殊的洗滌劑,以達到柔軟、舒適的效果。 5.水洗的時間、溫度和濃度等參數會根據產品需求進行調整。 6.烘干:將水洗後的面料進行烘干,以去除面料中的水分,同時也可以達到一定的收縮效果。 7.整理:將烘干後的面料進行整理,以達到平整、柔軟的效果。 8.製品加工:將整理好的面料進行製品加工,如製作成衣服、窗簾、床單等產品。 總體來說,水洗面料製程需要對每個步驟進行嚴格控制,以確保最終產品的質量。 The fabric is made of high-density washed material, with a small round neck design that is not easy to loosen or deform. The wide and oversized cut adds to the stylish look, and the brand label is attached to the side of the barrel. Each piece has been manually washed to test for shrinkage and color fading. The hem features a ruffled edge. Washed fabric is a type of fabric that has been processed through a special treatment process. It is usually soft, comfortable, and has a textured feel. The manufacturing process generally includes the following steps: Fabric selection: Selecting fabrics that meet the requirements, typically cotton or linen fabrics, but synthetic fibers can also be used. Pre-treatment: The fabric is washed and bleached to remove dirt, residual chemicals, and to minimize shrinkage during subsequent processes. Cutting: The pre-treated fabric is cut according to the required size and shape. Washing: The cut fabric is washed multiple times using special detergents to achieve a soft and comfortable feel. The washing time, temperature, and detergent concentration are adjusted according to product requirements. Drying: The washed fabric is dried to remove moisture and achieve a certain degree of shrinkage. Finishing: The dried fabric is finished to achieve a smooth and soft texture. Production: The finished fabric is processed into products such as clothing, curtains, bed sheets, etc. Overall, the process of making washed fabric requires strict control over each step to ensure the quality of the final product.
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