實木手工訂製椅 NO.1(藝術團隊手工再製家具,每樣訂製產品皆只有一個,原木製作,可長久保存,藝術品般的家居用品) ㄧ號椅(方形)滑板再造工作椅融合了職人精神和滑板文化,以打造一個舒適自在的家居環境為目的。 每一個椅子都是由職人手工製作,經過精心打造和多次調整,以達到最佳的舒適度和支撐力。 使用的材料都是由滑板板材再造而成,經過特殊的處理,可以讓椅子更加耐用和舒適。 椅子的造型和風格參考了滑板的設計,讓人們在家居環境中感受到年輕、自由和熱情的氛圍。 這個椅子代表著一種態度,一種更加自由、更加創新的生活方式。 長33cm,寬33cm,高46cm The No.1 Chair (square) is a reconstructed skateboard work chair that combines craftsmanship and skateboard culture to create a comfortable home environment. Each chair is handmade and adjusted multiple times to ensure the best comfort and support. The materials are reconstructed skateboard boards treated for durability and comfort. The design is inspired by skateboard style to bring a youthful, passionate atmosphere to the home. The chair represents a free and innovative way of life. L33cm,W33cm,H46cm
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